Inspection Services

Well & Septic Evaluations to cover all of your Wisconsin inspection needs.

Well Water Testing

Properly constructed and maintained water wells can provide many years of trouble-free service, but wells can eventually deteriorate or become damaged and allow surface contaminants to enter the water. In addition, some groundwater can contain one or more chemical substances in levels above health-based standards. In some cases, contamination of the water can be detected by sight, taste or smell; however, many of the most serious problems can only be detected through laboratory testing of the water. Public water systems are tested regularly for a variety of contaminants. However, if you have a private well, regular testing is your responsibility. Well construction inspection and improvements, such as fixing a crack in a casing, are important steps in keeping your well water safe.

Water that has become contaminated by human or animal waste can transmit a variety of infectious diseases, including dysentery, salmonellosis, hepatitis, and giardiasis. Symptoms vary, but nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, with or without fever, are most common. These bacteria do not usually cause disease themselves, but their presence indicates that surface contamination has found its way into the well and disease organisms may also be present.

In Wisconsin, it is required for Property Transfer Inspections to test for Bacteria, Nitrates and Arsenic. Depending on if it is an area where corn has been grown consistently then Atrazine should be considered.

Here is a great site with information about Wisconsin Well Water:

Septic Testing & Evaluation

Septic systems come in various types of designs. The purpose is to recycle waste water without contaminating our water reserves or environment.

Once you have the basic concept of a septic system, it does not matter what system is used the end result is always the same. Waste is broken down so that the environment and the water table are not contaminated. There is certain criteria that needs to be met to do this though. Because of this criteria, various types of systems may need to be installed.

Locations for the installation of the septic system will have varying soil types at various soil depths. Some soils are better suited to drainage than other soils that may hinder drainage. Some soils are shallow to bedrock as well and could allow non-treated waste-water to seep down cracks in rock strata to the water table below.

Depending on the type of system to be used there needs to be at least 36" of proper drainage soil below what is called the infiltrative surface. This means below the drainage pipe and material used such as gravel that is in the drain field area.

A soil evaluation will be performed before installing a new system by a certified soil tester to determine the soils ability to properly drain. This will indicate the type of system that will be allowed to be used. A conventional system is the least expensive, with the At-Grade next and the Mound after more costly after that. All these other systems are doing is artificially lifting the drain fields higher to meet the 36" rule.

Septic tanks do what is called anaerobic treatment, or without oxygen, plus settles out sludge to prevent it from reaching the drainage field area. It is called aerobic treatment when oxygen reaches the effluent liquid to oxidize it. The soil then filters the remaining contaminants out.

Typically septic tanks should be pumped every three years or checked as they may not be in need of pumping( I also do these checks) if not used regularly. Septic evaluations go through various components of the system to determine any visual evidence of defects.
